Refund policy
If the event is cancelled for other reasons, such as inclement weather on the day, refunds for stallholders will be available.
It may be necessary for reasons beyond our control to change the content and timing of the programme, the entertainment, or the venue at any time prior to the event date. The event organisers will ensure any changes are advised as soon as possible.
Sites cannot be held unless the fee has been paid so please do not ask.
If you had a stall last year you will probably not be in the same place we like to mix it up to be fair to all.
Stallholders are responsible for providing their own gazebos, and all necessary equipment. All stallholders will be required to stay on site and operating until the end time of 4pm (no exceptions thanks). If you have a powered site please make sure you have the right connections and please refer to terms and conditions.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 03 6877 670 or email